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Having trouble getting a Binance Account Statement? Here is a simple explanation that may be easier to understand.
If you need to obtain a Binance Account Statement, here is a very simple explanation.
Go to the website and log in to your account.
Click on Wallet.
Click on Account Statement.
Date: Select the date you need the statement for. Remember, you can only get statements for up to one year in the past.
Account: Choose the specific account you need a statement for (if you have more than one).
Wallet: Select the type of wallet (Spot, Margin, Futures, Funding, Earn).
Currency: Choose the currency you want to see your balance in (BTC or USDT).
Click Search.
You'll see a summary of your account on the date you selected. This includes your balances in different wallets.
Click Export.
To download an image: Choose JPEG.
To email yourself a copy: Enter your email address.
The PDF statement will only be in English.
The download link will expire after 7 days.
A dedicated file password will be required for anyone to open the file.
You'll need to use Binance's Report Center. Here's how:
VIP users: Go to VIP Portal - Report Center - Generate Now.
Non-VIP users: You might be able to access the Report Center. Submit a request on the VIP Portal website.
Still have questions?
Contact . CoinJar Support cannot assist with the use of the Binance platform.
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