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Begin Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) with CoinJar Bundles. Recurring Buy allows you to set up weekly, fortnightly, or monthly purchases at your chosen rate. Use your debit or credit card to set up automated crypto purchases within your CoinJar iOS or Android app.
Dollar-cost averaging in crypto is a strategy where you regularly invest a fixed amount of money into cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin or Ethereum, regardless of their current price.
Instead of trying to time the market by buying when prices are low and selling when they’re high, you consistently invest the same amount on a regular schedule.
This way, you end up buying more crypto when prices are low and less when prices are high, which can help reduce the risk of losing a lot of money if prices suddenly drop. Over time, this could lower the average cost you paid for your crypto investments.
While it can’t be proven that DCA is a better strategy than others, there are some advantages.
Cryptocurrencies are highly volatile, with prices often experiencing significant fluctuations. DCA helps to spread out the investment over time, reducing the risk of making a large purchase at a peak price.
DCA removes the stress of trying to time the market, which can lead to emotional decisions like panic-selling during a downturn or fear of missing out (FOMO) during a price surge. By sticking to a consistent plan, investors can avoid these pitfalls. Some studies and analyses have shown that in volatile markets, DCA can lead to a lower average purchase price over time.
For instance, those who started DCA into Bitcoin during bear markets often found themselves with a lower average cost per Bitcoin by the time the market recovered.
DCA inherently reduces the risk of investing all your money at a single point in time. This is particularly important in crypto, where price swings can be dramatic.
DCA only works if you stick to the plan. If you stop investing during a downturn, you may miss out on the benefits when prices recover.
And, frequent purchases can lead to higher transaction fees, especially in crypto, where fees can be significant. Over time, these fees might eat into the potential benefits of DCA.
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